Pale Green Needles JBP


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Minnesota, USA (Twin Cities Metro)
Any ideas what’s going on with my 3-yr old JBP?

A couple weeks ago the color changed seemingly overnight from deep, dark green to this paler green color. I also lot a lot of needles near the base of the tree where naked buds now lie in their place.

It’s in 80/20 perlite/coco coir, gets full sun, and watered appropriately. I have six other JBP trees of the same age in the same medium, location, watering cycle, etc., which are all healthy and deep green.

Anything I can do to save it?


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Interesting that only this one is affected when all are treated similar. Any chance this one is near the edge of the bunch and may have missed out on adequate watering, even just for a couple of days?
That and maybe root infection or root eating bugs of some sort are my only suggestions at this stage.
Do you think it has Needlecast? Pic 2252 seems to show some signs of needle discoloration. Additionally, the needles seem to be ‘broken’ at the tips, instead of being pointed.
Looks on its way out to me. In pines it's sometimes easy to find what caused their death, but more often it's been something that happened a month or longer ago.
Needle cast rarely kills a tree. It usually affects the needles, that can continue doing what they're doing with the exception of a small infected band.
Looks pretty dessicated to me.
So root issue and/or not enough water
I afraid it is the weakest link... good bye scenario on this one.
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