I definitely want to give that cascade a shot but it's roots travel around the rock it's on, there is some roots close by to the trunk in a rock pocket but I wouldn't feel confident with just those so I plan to root prune and place sphagnum moss to the cut ends. Check back the following year.Aaron, if you have easy access, go water them a few times prior to collection, unless there's a good rain forecast. That's what I did with the one I dug from my land. It's on year two now and growing strong. It was six feet tall, but I pruned it in the ground the year prior to collection. I've done a couple of minor branch prunings since then, and got it in a bonsai pot this spring. I'll do it's first major styling next spring. The roots can take some abuse if you leave the foliage alone. That's a piñon stump next to it.
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The beast in the Crack is easily hundreds of years old, the base it about 10inches across and when you look down the Crack it's in, you don't see soil, just an empty abyss. That one will stay put and I'll just treasure it, I doubt many other people have ever seen that tree based on its location and how crazy I was to get to it.