Old nursery nana - coming along.

A bit of an update to this tree:

I had Matt Reel work on it while he was here last weekend. More over at my blog (some of which duplicates this thread.)
That's a cool juniper Eric. Really cool.
Does it or has it ever tried to grow adult foliage? I have one kind of along the same lines and it has just a couple tufts of scale folige. Or had I should say. They were on a branch that had to go.
It got pretty tight foliage while I was living in SoCal, but then when I moved back to San Francisco it got more loose again. The ones that Sam posts from Hawaii are the tightest I've seen. This one isn't that tight right now. They are a bit better when the foliage scales down, but I think it's a function of heat, and that's something I don't get a lot of.
They are a bit better when the foliage scales down, but I think it's a function of heat, and that's something I don't get a lot of.

I'll be in Monterey Sunday visiting Kats Kinoshita and many friends. Bring it by if you feel it needs some heat, I can subject it to Fresno for a couple months? Still usually around 89 degrees at 2 AM around here and only around 104 daily. I'll need a couple hundred gallons of water too, we don't have that!:eek:
Oh, and a fire extinguisher.

Great tree. I like it in the smaller exhibition pot.
Still usually around 89 degrees at 2 AM around here and only around 104 daily. I'll need a couple hundred gallons of water too, we don't have that!:eek:

What do you water your trees with Al? Sweat?
Very cool nana. I'm sure when you lime sulfur the new deadwood it will enhance it even more.
Great tree Eric.
When is the best time to repot nanas?
I repot them in January or February like all my trees. You, living in Santa Cruz can do the same. People who live in colder areas would want to be sure that they don't get a hard freeze after the tree is repotted. But, me giving advice on cold protection is like a fish giving advice on how to breathe out of water. I can only relate what I've heard.
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