Old landscape Weigela

I know you mentioned that you are going with more of a "fantasy" style, but I am curious what your intent/goal with the somewhat straight trunk extension is. Do you mind explaining where your initial design is headed?
I know you mentioned that you are going with more of a "fantasy" style, but I am curious what your intent/goal with the somewhat straight trunk extension is. Do you mind explaining where your initial design is headed?

Are you talking about the tallest one? Just letting certain things extend for some thickening, will get cut back at some point.
Great Progression! I raided the garden this year for a Weigela but much smaller than yours. Do you think the leaves will reduce?
Great Progression! I raided the garden this year for a Weigela but much smaller than yours. Do you think the leaves will reduce?

They do.

Left = another weigela in an Anderson flat, unrestricted; unpruned.

Middle = top of the one pictured.

Right = from the bottom, more ramified area of the one pictured (not the smallest I could find, about average).

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