Nova bonsai garden

I’m surprised how quickly you got started and how fast its progressing. I can’t even get contractors to call back here. They are so slammed.
Starting to feel real! We have a contract on our Houston home!
Congrats! Do you have transport logistics planned yet? I’m looking at moving my collection 1600 miles across the desert and truck prices are sky high. Seems like I need a reefer truck, but all those I’ve found require a retuning to the original location. Although, even that two-way trip is still cheaper than a one way UHaul right now leaving California!!
Congrats! Do you have transport logistics planned yet? I’m looking at moving my collection 1600 miles across the desert and truck prices are sky high. Seems like I need a reefer truck, but all those I’ve found require a retuning to the original location. Although, even that two-way trip is still cheaper than a one way UHaul right now leaving California!!
Yes - I have transport logistics planned. It’s not cheap, but one way leaving Texas is not as bad as one way going to Texas, lol!

I’m surprised how quickly you got started and how fast its progressing. I can’t even get contractors to call back here. They are so slammed.
It’s not easy - I just happened to find a builder with a bit of availabiliity for a small job in between contracts.

So the deal is done and I’m relocating from Houston to Virginia. It’s a beautiful piece of property about halfway between Front Royal and Warrenton. Best of all - I’ve claimed a pasture for my garden! It’s going to be a journey - I’ve got a well to drill, a greenhouse and a cold frame to put up, a barn to build and a bunch of trees to relocate. So I’m making a little thread to document my journey. It’s exciting for me and I thought that perhaps there is interest in following the construction of a garden from a pasture. So I’ll record all my trials and tribulations here.

Here’s a picture of the pasture when I flew my drone over it back in the summer. The elevation is about 660’. There’s a small stream that runs through the woods bordering the property to the NW. The pasture consists of rolling hills - it’s been in hay and cattle primarily for many years.
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