this is a defensive gobbled-gook argument. I have seen some REALLY ugly trees get peoples' choice awards at shows.
Like I've said before, all it takes is a lot of trunks--forests are big with the public because they've never seen one before, or trees with some kitsch tacked onto it, like a miniature treehouse, a miniature swing hung from a branch, a plastic bear menacing from the aforementioned forest, a car crashed into a single tree--there was a guy online a decade ago that actually made money selling tree/car accident "bonsai" compositions.
FWIW, this is the ultimate people's choice award. Note that the bonsai in it adheres to many bonsai "rules," but also manages to KNOWLEGEABLY break a few too.
A large hill (The Hill) lay to the north, and under its southern slopes Bilbo's father Bungo built the luxurious smial Bag End above the lane of Bagshot Row. Th...