Not Enough Light, What You Guys Think About This Setup?

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So, I thought that my patio wasn't getting enough light so I decided to go for a little project.
I have put my babies underneath a grow lights 6xBulbs T5 HO 6500K the distance from the top of the left maple is 6 inch and I have run a little test getting 4820 Lumens on top of the tree and 3000 Lumens below.
Is anyone here having a similar setup? Is the 6 inch enough to don't get the leaves of my Maple burned or I should increase it and how much more?

Out of confusion, the trees are outside so is not an indoor setup - Thanks

As a fellow Seattelite, I recommend just keeping them on your patio. If your concern is because of the cloudy days, you don't need to worry. If, however, there is another reason that you don't think they get enough light, such as location-wise (in permanent shade or something), then I'm not sure what you should do. Personally, I have never seen maples under grow-lights, so I don't have any authority to say it won't work.
As a fellow Seattelite, I recommend just keeping them on your patio. If your concern is because of the cloudy days, you don't need to worry. If, however, there is another reason that you don't think they get enough light, such as location-wise (in permanent shade or something), then I'm not sure what you should do. Personally, I have never seen maples under grow-lights, so I don't have any authority to say it won't work.

Thank you I appreciate your honest answer.
Years ago I went to a 2 day teaching weekend with David D. he spoke about growing under lights. Granted years ago but he spoke about the tress should be as close as the can to the light source (not if they are hot). My tropical grow right into the light yours look far away and open the blinds.
Years ago I went to a 2 day teaching weekend with David D. he spoke about growing under lights. Granted years ago but he spoke about the tress should be as close as the can to the light source (not if they are hot). My tropical grow right into the light yours look far away and open the blinds.
Thanks WOOB for the feedback, I have put at 6 inch cause I was afraid to the leave to burn. Yes I agree with you on the distance as much close as I can but I got to cut my sacrificial brunch cause was to close and burned that was 2 inch, hence I am trying to understand how much closer I can go to the top of the tree which since is apical I guess will go on that way anyways.
This photo was taken at what time of day? Plants need so many hours daylight and also periods without. I mentally can't grasp the need for a grow light outside. I have my back trees on the patio under my upper balcony. They get so many hours of morning sun.
I took this picture at 2:40 pm I happen to have a sun during this time and for just 30 minutes all the rest is shade.
Wow that was mid afternoon. I would love to see the entire area...if you wouldn't mind. No yard space for a bench?

I have tried to do my best with this picture in panorama taken now 4:12 pm


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So, I thought that my patio wasn't getting enough light so I decided to go for a little project.
I have put my babies underneath a grow lights 6xBulbs T5 HO 6500K the distance from the top of the left maple is 6 inch and I have run a little test getting 4820 Lumens on top of the tree and 3000 Lumens below.

I don't think I understand this. Lumens is not really a useful measurement; do you have a lux reading? I would say you should have no less than 20,000 lux for maples long term (less is OK in early spring etc.). Your 6 light T5 HO should give you close to that, at least immediately under it.

If you want to learn more about light requirements this is good reading:

One problem is that many people will use different units. The following are all roughly equivalent to the light output I mentioned above. What is most useful/important is the DLI (Daily Light Integral) which is the sum total of the light exposure during the day.
  • 75 w*m^2
  • 350 u-mol*m^2/s
  • 21,000 lux (lumens/m^2)
  • 1900 foot-candles (lumens / ft^2)
  • 20.16 DLI implied (at 16 hours per day of light)
I bet if you put your maples at the edge of the balcony, they will get a higher DLI than being under those lights.
I would switch and put the veg in the back..
Trees in the front....

That light setup may actually be creating less light outside.

I wonder if you can install a "satellite dish" on the roof...that is really a mirror to reflect you more sunlight.

When in doubt...always do as the Egyptians!

Keep good heavy shade species..."understory trees" "delicate leaved plants"..

Flouros are weak and on top of that the blinds are shut. You would need a high powered light like a high pressure sodium bulb or something around those lines for a decent experiment. Keep them outside to simplify life.
I would switch and put the veg in the back..
Trees in the front....

That light setup may actually be creating less light outside.

I wonder if you can install a "satellite dish" on the roof...that is really a mirror to reflect you more sunlight.

When in doubt...always do as the Egyptians!

Keep good heavy shade species..."understory trees" "delicate leaved plants"..

Thanks Sorce,

this is a very good advice... appreciate the feedback.
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