Newbie Yew Styling


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Sterling Heights, Michigan
I bought these two Yews from my local nursery. There were 75% off , so I paid about $15 for each. I was going to buy only one, but for the price it made sense to get two since I am probably going to kill at least one while I am learning.
The two pictures below are from the first one
The next two pictures are from the second yew
I started styling the first one and this is how it looks so far.
I will post pictures of both once I am done with the styling that I will do this year

I plan to plant them in the ground instead of putting them in pots since they have to survive the winter in Chicago. Since I am relatively new to bonsai and never had a yew before, do you think this is a good idea or it would be ok to put them in a large pot??
Any feedback/advice would be appreciated
Nice score!
I'm a newbie too so no helpful advice. Don't go hacking off any dead branches as you may need them for deadwood features later. I bought my first yew last fall. šŸ˜ƒ I want to get a couple more now, very cool trees steeped in mythology.
Nice score!
I'm a newbie too so no helpful advice. Don't go hacking off any dead branches as you may need them for deadwood features later. I bought my first yew last fall. šŸ˜ƒ I want to get a couple more now, very cool trees steeped in mythology.
Thanks for the link. I will look into it. You are right about deadwood features, the one yew that I chopped had a deadwood already, so I will keep it.
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