New to site, need advice of the masters on TOPNOTCH Procumbens Pre-Bonsai Stock


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North New Jersey
Hello everyone! I have been a Bonsai enthusiast since I can remember, literally, one of my earliest memories is my family taking me to Bonsai of Brooklyn and me hearing the song "Under the Boardwalk" and staring opened jawed at these mystical miniature trees. I felt like a gentle Godzilla, haha carefully stepping where Godzilla might smash... Now, I have the pleasure of creating and owning my own bonsai, and while I have never bought anything besides nursery stock, I am loving the hobby and am getting along famously practicing styling, wiring, and pruning. I can safely say I know barely anything, but I do know the absolutely basics of styles, species, wiring (although I believe this is my weakest point), and pruning. So, if you do respond to this thread (which I very much appreciate :D), know that words need not be wasted to laymanize a bonsai term.

Ok, that being said, I have a few questions to whom it may concern...
1.) I was very very lucky in my last nursery picking to find a nursery near a horse farm that had on its grounds about 20-30 juniper procumbens that have just passed the seasons NOT being bought by customers, because, as the owner told me, "The trunks are too strangely shaped"(and who wants a strange shaped trunk, right?). So I, bought every one I could afford, with the minimum age of the youngest estimated by the owner to be 15 years, with the oldest being about 35 years!!! how awesome is that? Neways, I have this gorgeous natural stock that I want to work on, but am scared to because I have never worked on a tree of this age. They have alot of old mossy bark, natural ramification throughout the entire branch structure, nice thick well-tapered trunks, and nice cascade/semi-cascade style twists in the trunks. So I need help/advice on how to proceed.
2.) I was wondering where I should post my questions about the trees, in the species juniper threads or the styling threads.
3.) I was also hoping for any other advice in general, i.e. common bonsai killers, things you all see all the time that I should avoid, differences between young stock/ older stock, etc...

Thank you all, for making it this far in my rant/rave and for all consideration,
Pictures of what you're working with would be a great help.
Yea, of course I left my camera at my gf's today or else I would have posted pics with the original post. But pics are definitely coming in the next couple days. I was chomping at the bit and repotted one tree, and pruned it a bit , no major styling, just to open it up and show the branches off, I will take pictures of that and post them asap...
Hey friend. Would you complete your profile by assigning yourself to a location? Is now the time to pot procumbens?
Welcome! But uh, what took you 5 years to build up the courage to post something :p
Bero, I believe you are right about it being the wrong time to repot here. But, in my defense I had a few reasons to do it this late in the season. BTW, I am in NJ....
I repotted only 1 of the stock, the rest I am doing only very slight pruning just to open up the trees & make the main branches and trunks/sub trunks more visible to make better styling decisions. I was crossing my fingers that the repot rule was a generality, neverless I did not look into it and it was rash of me :( I was really chomping at the bit though, and the tree was rocking very strongly in the pot it was in because the rootball was very small and not holding the tree very securely; to the point where, I believe if it was moved without care, it could have broken off at the root level due to the heaviness of the weight from the tree... Do you think this will cost me the tree? Was this a good idea given that, or is it more important to not repot off-season?
Redwood, I had a feeling I would have to field some form of this question :) Like I said, I have enjoyed Bonsai for most of my life, but usually as a spectator, about 5 years ago I did not know much about the hobby except what I liked visually & I believe I joined with the intention of learning more and building my own garden, but ended up just staring at galleries and then leaving and forgetting about my account ( I joined a few Bonsai forum then, so i cannot fully remember what I did on this site back then :confused: ). In fact, when I came back this time, I attempted to rejoin with my other common forum name and used my usual e-mail only to find I had already signed up as youngsai on that e-mail!
I am so excited to show these to a bonsai specific community, they have such great character to them these procumb. 3 of them have full twists on the main trunk, meaning that the ramification of of the main branches is so gnarled it fully circles around the main branch. The 2 other turn back on themselves very far as well, but do not have full circles in them. I do not know the name of the specific moss, but they are all filled with a sort of lichen, that is green as the needles and grows on the trunks and branches. I lopped off some secondary branches when cleaning the trees off yesterday, and using my jewelers loupe I was able to count at least 17 rings, and that was just a secondary branch! I am so pleased with the purchase of these and I wanna show them so bad, I am debating taking the 2 hr train ride to see my gf today haha
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Glad you decided to post and welcome.

I know how excited you are at your find. I would be too, but (no offense) do yourself a favor and take a deep breath!
Don't do any more work on those trees now. You know its not the right time for doing major work on them now. Its not worth risking potentially great material over a little impatience. Its been a hard thing for me to control at times myself but trust me it will be worth it.

Please post some pics when you can!
I'm excited for you! You seem so happy, that's what this is all about. I'll be waiting to see the pictures, welcome to the posting forum...:D
Paradox, thats exactly wut I needed to hear... And your right, I know its the truth but its like an addiction my mind makes excuses, like I excused myself into repotting the one bc of the rootball and I should not have, the remaining ones I have been strong literally because of posts here, I have just taken off some small amount of useless leaves and breakable dead growth, most branches of any strength that had no leaves, I even left those in case I wanted to make some jin.

JudyB, thank you for welcoming words! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know everyone here loves these trees as much as I do :) Most people who I talk to about Bonsai the conversation usually goes like this, "Uh-uh, uh-uh; yeaaaa, sooo your talking about trees still right? And you put them in little pots huh? Ok, sooooo, yea, I was walking my dog today..." Given that general conversation outline, It's great to be here :)

Also, my gf is stopping by here nice and early to drop off my camera!!! so pics will be up tomorrow morning.
Ok so 1st off, this is a chinese elm that I had about 2 years back, it was bought as a bonsai and stood about 10 inches without the pot... This tree is now dead, due to me repotting it and not tying it into the pot, y father came home from work 1 day and knocked it over. I arrived an hr later to find it lying in the midday sun, I repotted it, but it subsequently died... Ok, well, I tried to upload these, but for some reason I am encountering errors, anyone know why? I am using the manage attachments option on the post a reply page and uploading from my comp, which for now is a MAC...
You asked about "common bonsai killers"

The biggest one for those who have been doing it for less than five years or so is too much enthusiasm:D, or rather unbridled enthusiasm.

The urge to "do something" just to do it is very very VERY strong when you've got nicer material to work with. Giving in to that urge (clipping off "unneeded" branches, etc.) is not good for the bonsaiist or potential bonsai.

You've got to take a step or two back, yeah, it's good material, it may have a killer trunk and scads of possibilities, BUT jumping into making it a bonsai immediately will kill it...been there...

Step back, put the shears down. Let it alone. Let it alone for a year, or two, or three, or even four. Go out and get some lesser stock to practice on. You can easliy replace a $15 juniper from Wal Mart. You can't easily replace a decades-old tree. Whatever you cut off of an older tree WON'T be replace easily. Chop at your own risk...

I don't work on a "new" tree for at least a year, or more. It takes time to understand what older trees are saying. If you think you see a design in an older piece of stock immediately, nine out of ten times, there is a better design lurking there unseen. That better design takes a while to reveal itself. I've had more than a few "aha" moments with stock that's been sitting around for years...
shears down, hands in the air, 'sneakily reaches behind back and pulls out camera' :P
I'm just kidding of course, but your absolutely right, that is a very very useful reply rockm, truly, thank you
. Ok, well, I tried to upload these, but for some reason I am encountering errors, anyone know why? I am using the manage attachments option on the post a reply page and uploading from my comp, which for now is a MAC...

So you should go to the advanced page, (sounds like you got that far) click manage attachments, click add files, select the file, click choose and then open. Then you have to hit the upload button. Give it a few seconds, sometimes it takes a few. Is your file super large? Try again, better posting them here than from an outside thing, most people (me included) don't like having to go somewhere else to look at photos.

Give it another shot... the site has been acting up, maybe you're just having a problem because of that.
Judy I will try again for yours and those who do not like going elsewhere's sake, they did upload to Flickr so the above link works, i only have the elm up so far, setting up and taking a few of the procumbens now...

Ok, so I tried, but the files are too large, I'm sorry, I will work with those who know how to get around this more in the future, but for now I will post them to Flickr and send the links....

all my photos I guess will load to this main page, plz let me know if anyone has any issues/ can see them ok....
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