New to Bonsai got a few questions.

The Bamboo actually gave it away. Also, I read I typed drill side holes 2 inches up in the pot and place the Willow in a two inch pan/try. The tray should be higher then the holes - at least an inch, sorry for the typo :p

I've seen this done in a youtube video with a much smaller and stouter willow. I will definitely give it a try. So you chopped the maple down to 4 inches?.. are any new buds coming out yet? One of the biggest questions in my head is... do you have to leave buds on the tree in order for it to grow limbs?.. or will they eventually pop out anywhere if the tree is healthy enough?.. in any case if it was big enough you could graft the top you cut onto the bottom 3-4" i assume.. hmmmm... I see an experiment brewing for me..
So you chopped the maple down to 4 inches?.. are any new buds coming out yet? One of the biggest questions in my head is... do you have to leave buds on the tree in order for it to grow limbs?

Buds and branches vary with plants and their cultivars, each must be studied before preparing them for pre-bonsai as well as bonsai. I just did that a few days ago to the Maple but I have another smaller from last year that sprouted in our front garden area. The Wife asked me to pull it and I just chopped it down to a foot and it had a 1/2 inch base. It popped back this Spring with a 1 inch base, nice root spread and three random branches with a few leafs. Here maples seem to toss branches out first but I cannot say that works for all Maple varieties.
My Wife will rub any growth off of most Fruit trees to stop them from branching where she does not want them... So again, all things are different. Some chops on some just sprout near the chop, etc...

I was looking into getting some grafting glue or "grafting compound". Never done this before.. is there any particular compound that is considered the standard for bonsai grafting or grafting in general?

I was looking into getting some grafting glue or "grafting compound". Never done this before.. is there any particular compound that is considered the standard for bonsai grafting or grafting in general?Thanks
I thought it was just seal paste, or any sealant, I think even most cases they have sealtape or electronic tape (I don't know the english word).
I was looking into getting some grafting glue or "grafting compound". Never done this before.. is there any particular compound that is considered the standard for bonsai grafting or grafting in general?

Quick learner. From sticks to grafting in one thread.
What pray tell are you grafting onto what?
Hi BonsaiProdigy,
Where are you living in Southern Cali? If you live close to me, I may help you out. I think you may be overwhelmed with tons of new things in the first few years and if you don't organize yourself well, you might be get loss! Even though you said you had some knowledge of gardening, but bonsai is a different ball game! Anyway, welcome to bonsai hobby! :)
I thought it was just seal paste, or any sealant, I think even most cases they have sealtape or electronic tape (I don't know the english word).

I think your right, I thought perhaps there is a special compound formulated for the specific goals we're trying to achieve. There are some that have insecticide and fungicides present in the compound. Again I have never done this before so Im not sure how necessary these really are. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried using honey to help keep the wounds clean with its antibacterial properties? I understand that many people use honey as a rooting agent for cuttings. I think the reason it is so effective is due to its antibacterial properties. I was reading that Bonhe and many on here use sphagnum moss as a hydrator and also an antiseptic i assume.

Quick learner. From sticks to grafting in one thread.
What pray tell are you grafting onto what?

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This is an old Lemon Tree (20 years or so) that I've had in the backyard. I was planning to repot it or even throw it away, earlier in the year but never really got around to it. The property I live on has a pool so theres not much room to work with. Otherwise I would have just thrown it in the ground. So anyways after getting into bonsai I thought it would be a good opportunity to try some hands on experiments to develop skills I will use in the future. I think I will attempt grafting on this particular tree. I was also thinking about air layering the limbs and rootstock to preserve what the tree has to offer to my new bonsai venture. I especially like the rootstock on this tree. Since the tree has always been in a pot I think it has added a few bonsai characteristics that could be desirable. Im not entirely sure what I want to do first... Grafting.. or the Air Layering. Both I have never done before but confident in my abilities to get it done right the first time.

Hi BonsaiProdigy,
Where are you living in Southern Cali? If you live close to me, I may help you out. I think you may be overwhelmed with tons of new things in the first few years and if you don't organize yourself well, you might be get loss! Even though you said you had some knowledge of gardening, but bonsai is a different ball game! Anyway, welcome to bonsai hobby! :)

I'll send you a private message with location Bonhe,

Anyones thoughts on anything I said is much appreciated. Thank you all.
Hi BonsaiProdigy,
Where are you living in Southern Cali? If you live close to me, I may help you out. I think you may be overwhelmed with tons of new things in the first few years and if you don't organize yourself well, you might be get loss! Even though you said you had some knowledge of gardening, but bonsai is a different ball game! Anyway, welcome to bonsai hobby! :)

What an awesome offer!
Well I decided after studying a lot about air layering I would give it a try on my lemon tree.
I probably should have made the limb inside the cut flush with the cambium. Im not sure how necessary this is. But In any case I scraped everything
down very well to expose the cambium to the medium ill be using. I also brushed on some honey water ( about a 1:1 ratio) onto the cambium. I have never
read or seen anyone apply honey to an air layer. But many say it is a natural rooting agent though i have never used it myself.

I used a Canada Dry 2 liter bottle to hold the coco/perlite mix as close to the cut as possible. Made sure the coco mix was compacted as much as possible. Put a few drain holes
in the bottom and taped it securely.

I used the bottom of the 2 liter to make a lid for the air layer container. Placed it so the bottom is pushing onto the medium to keep it compact and against the cambium. Put a hole for watering just incase
the coco dries out. Wrapped it in foil and placed it the tree somewhere where it will only get 3 or so hours of direct sunlight.
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Heres a little better look at the limb I have chosen for air layering. Very excited to see results.. good or bad, either way I will learn.

I had a few questions..

How important is shading the tree during this process?.. Is it necessary at all?

Since the coco will retain 25-30% air at all times, should I water when necessary?.. or in other words when the
coco looks to be slightly drying out?

Thanks very much.
How important is shading the tree during this process?..
As you know, the roots try to stay away from the sunlight and it is why you used the foil to wrap it up.

Is it necessary at all?
Not at all. You can not move the landscape tree, can't you? Avoid the direct sunlight hitting into the soil is enough.

Since the coco will retain 25-30% air at all times, should I water when necessary?

.. or in other words when the
coco looks to be slightly drying out?


Good luck to you BonsaiProdigy.
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