New to bonsai, Chinese elm and bougainvillea

Got to love the responses! Well I'm going to justify buying more bonsai stuff today. I turn 30 today and I think she thinks I am having some type of mid life crisis entering this hobby HAHA.

Every now and then.....just walk a bit further and pick her up a flower....


"I got this one cuz it reminds me of you!"

Then some for the kids....


Got to love the responses! Well I'm going to justify buying more bonsai stuff today. I turn 30 today and I think she thinks I am having some type of mid life crisis entering this hobby HAHA.

If she grumbles you might want to point out that it IS trees and not "knees" [as in someone's other than hers].
Generally, quiets many "discussions" over such things as colanders, pots, trees, etc.
Never hurts to throw in that you want something quiet, relaxing, contemplative in
Just reading through this thread, which I found by looking through Leo's posts, looking for more golden Chinese Elm advice.
The topic sort of deteriorated in to bathroom selfies but then came back again, was a good read!

I love the look of your Chinese Elm as it is @Thor I think it is quite a bit older than my one (Got a few pics of mine in the only thread I made (through my profile), I'd post the pic again but I don't have them to hand as I'm posting this). I hope mine can become older and look just as good. Just the styling to get to that point which is my current biggest problem. Gonna need to start a thread to get the advice from the pros here!
Looks great though.
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