New to bonsai and have a handful of seeds.....

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N Central OH
I posted an introduction to the new members forum and mentioned there I have some seeds.

So for my first bonsai I thought I would look at some stock at the local nursery. I wandered through the junipers and stopped to admire the Japanese maples. I have always loved their look but the onse they had were large and expensive.
So that stupid light bulb appeared above my head and I asked an employee if they sold seedlings or seeds since I wanted to get into bonsai. "Nope.....but go look at our trees and if you see any seeds feel free to grab them"

Five minutes later I have 39 Acer palmatum dissectum viridis seeds.

I know I am probably going about this all wrong....but I will gladly take advice on what to do next!
In my intro thread I was just told that I am too old to start with seeds. So if that is true I will grow them and give them to friends and family.....
When tree seeds are likened to telephones and computers!
Leave em for the kids!

No reason not to start em.

Of soil.
M. Frary and I both use Napa oil dry #8822 for soil. I would consider it, as you are tween us climaticcally. You'll find bonsai soil mostly inorganic, Lotta fertilizer. This fits the bill, and the bills stay in your wallet!

Of trees.
I'd start with some elms. Dig em anywhere legal. Seedlings. Bigger. You really can't go wrong with Ulmus.

Of training containers.
Home depot pond baskets. $2.97
Some folks use colanders. I can't find sufficiently UV protected ones, so I made my own training baskets!

These get your roots primed for life in a small pot, well.

Just some starter info for a bass Fisher!

I look forward to seeing how you do!

Thanks Sorce!
Ok so you use the 8822 as is and then use fertilizer (I am guessing it doesn't have a ton of already present nutrients)? What fertilizers?

Speaking of about old gnarly junipers? I may have access to a few of them.
Oh Damn!

No. I definitely sift mine! For the dust out. Wear a mask!
I didn't on some this year and they sucked!

Has to be Napa #8822. Not carquest, or Wal-Mart, or auto zone...etc. Only #8822!

Straight has worked well for me.
Very predictable. Once a day water no headache.

I use the Alaska fish fert now!
And Vigoro 101010 and miracle grow cactus food drops! At least once a week!

Gotta work, or rather, go to McDonald's!

I put turkey grit in mine WI'll be adding lava and pumice next year. I fertilize with just miracle grow. Hard! 3 to 5 times the amount on the box once a week. For my special elms(ones that I plan to experiment on) they are going to get prescribed amount on the box but applied every other day.
I put turkey grit in mine WI'll be adding lava and pumice next year. I fertilize with just miracle grow. Hard! 3 to 5 times the amount on the box once a week. For my special elms(ones that I plan to experiment on) they are going to get prescribed amount on the box but applied every other day.
Keep us updated, especially since I may try some elms myself!
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