New stock shohin pyracantha


Queen of the Nuts
Reaction score
South East of Cols. OH
This is my other new stock, a small pyracantha. The base is too wet to photo well, I'll have to get some better photos later. The shape is a nice start, I'll cut the straight branches back this spring, to get some better movement up top. I would love input, as I understand that they don't respond like other trees to pruning. First photo is the front I think.... I know they don't heal well or fast, but the back is interesting to me too....


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it's got a nice trunk-base. How big is it?
Thanks John, it's 3" at the base and 1" at the first branch. 11" tall. I like the knobby part just above the first branching, it's interesting.
That's a nice little fatty...I have the same knobs (more like warts) on a crabapple and I think it looks pretty cool. Are you planning on keeping the height or cut back on the leader?
They respond just fine to pruning, it's just that they don't heal over well unless you have good sap flow around all sides of the cut. Trunk chops, forget it, you might as well carve them out, but when you shorten smaller branches, they'll heal just fine if you cut flush & seal. It will respond with plenty of advantageous growth along the remaining branch...usually all straight up. Wire it soon if you want some shape to that leader, anything much thicker than your pinky gets pretty stiff.
John, I'd like to cut most of the leader back, as it has so many straight sections, maybe I'll leave an inch or so on that, and then grow it out to about 8" or so. Have to see if I can bend it at all, guessing not...
As Brian pointed out it's already very stiff.
Brian, I read something about pruning won't necessarily produce new branches, just a lot of new leaves... so I am a bit concerned about cutting the leader back too much, this is a new specie for me. Have you had any trouble getting new branch production?
Nice stock Judy. Are there any fronts that don't show the reverse taper in the first picture? Maybe it's not as bad as it appears to my eyes, though...
Thanks Ryan. It reads a bit like that in the photo, but it's really like a person bending forward and sticking their butt out kinda thing:D... If you understand, there is a knob, but it's not actually wider at that point. Wish I could describe it better. I'll try taking better photos, and especially of the base, as that is hard to read as well.
This has started growing new leaves with all the warm weather, so I did a chop and repot. I wonder if I went far enough? I should probably take more off the top straight section, I just have to identify the "front" first, so I can cut in an appropriate manner. Also depending on that front, more of the lower left branch will go as well.

What say you?


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I don't think you have taken this down as low as it needs to be. That neck you have saved at the top will always look that way. There will never be a smooth transition for taper.

If I were working it I would take it back to the red line. For me anyway....your milage may vary.

Thanks, Al


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I already took it back more, just left a tiny bit above the red, so if it dies back...
It looks better, and I knew it was the right thing. I'm going to have to take the forward facing branch, but know I'll leave a scar, but looks like that angle that you picked is the correct front.
Thank you.
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