The other day as I was gardening I noticed these new plants that were growing in my garden that most definitely did not look like weeds. After some digging in the dirt to find a root source I realized they were growing from some acorns that Im sure some squirrel decided to bury in my garden. I have a few oak trees around my house that these acorns could have fallen from and so after some research I have come to the opinion that they are probably Northern Red Oak. Does anyone have any experience with growing a Red Oak from a seedling and then successfully potting it and turning it into a Bonsai? I would love to take these two (maybe 3) specimens and seeing what I can do with them but the only experience I have with Bonsai is tropical trees, and certainly not from a seedling. Anyone advice of pointers on how any of you have been successful or unsuccessful in doing this would be very appreciated.