Didn't realise i had a pic but you can see the fuzz clearly on this tiny peach.
They are basically new to me and the peach came in fruit cos we had an early warm spell and I was a little late
Managed to get a nectarine that hadn't popped its buds yet which has only just gone into leaf and as it is similar size im hoping for fruit on this too (if its not too late here) so hopefully will get flowers soon
The fruit seems to grow pointy before rounding out.
These are grafted onto dwarfing root stocks and I intend to keep them as fruit trees in containers which I will combine pruning with propagation for bonsai practice purposes. But obviously the grafting could speed up fruiting, but I count about 3 years growth from the graft point in terms of what we would call ramification
The ripe fruit will probably help narrow down the exact tree as there is variation on the inner flesh colour from white/yellow to red also my understanding on taste is that although you can ripen fruit off the tree it will only get softer and not any sweeter after removal as sweetness relies on the sugars from the sap flow so the longer they're left on the sweeter.
If you have a spare prunus stump with roots (maybe from an old air layer?) Maybe you could try grafting as well as some cuttings I have heard prunus to be very accepting (that tree of 40 fruits sparked my interest in prunus that led to me purchasing a few varieties to play with) and then later air layer off the branch if desired for bonsai or just possibly save the trunk growing years on a fruit bearing tree though I know this is slightly off topic and will stop about full sized trees and fast tracking impatient growing as I know 3 maybe 4 years is no time at all to wait in this game.