Squarepants with Conkers
Seeds are of UTMOST “fun”... I enjoy it for the simple reason of near-complete control..Well I can’t find any Japanese maple seeds online . Sean Walker or something like that sent me lots of trident maple seeds but that’s all I have started .
Here are a couple reasons I like growing from seed also... forms like this:

It’s ABOUT time, by you, that you’ll soon start noticing “helicopters” or “samaras” starting to sprout roots on the ground when thaws are noted... Mother nature took care of the “time-consuming” part.. just look for helicopters with little bright-green “tails”...
Also... One pomegranate (from the grocery store) could grow HUNDREDS of trees..
Just remember to ACTIVELY collect seed in late/summer and autumn.
Tridents are sweet! That’s one I don’t have..
This year, as far as maple seeds goin’,I have Acer Monspessulanum, Acer Mayabei and Acer Truncatum.