This was my biggest concern when looking at your tree! It looks like a tree that was styled well, but hasn't been TOUCHED in years... My guess would be this tree is horribly root bound, and the growth looks like it is a very dull grayish green color that is normally indicative of a tree that isn't getting enough nutrients... Maybe it is just the photographs that make it look a little off colored, or the lighting, but I think you have a tree that needs some better dirt there. The other sign it is sorely in need of a repot is the way it is pushing itself up out of the pot! This usually happens when the tree has run out of room and the roots have nowhere else to go, so they push the tree up and you wind up seeing that exposed root look. Exposed roots are fine in some kinds and styles of trees, but with junipers, you generally don't want much more than the top/ nebari showing.
Again, these are just my opinions based off a few pics, but your comments about the hard packed organic soil kind of made me feel like this really is an issue. It happens frequently at nurseries when they wind up with too many trees to properly maintain them, they don't get repotted often enough and it CAN kill a tree eventually if not taken care of. I wouldn't probably recommend a repot now- unless you just slip pot it up to a bigger one, but you might want to do a full repot this fall! See what some of the experts here think, but that is my only concern for you now...
Regardless you have a beautiful tree here that was obviously created with skill.. Proper maintenance would be concern #1, then worry about styling it once you see healthy new growth.
Good luck!