New juniper tornulosa advice needed


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South Florida
Got this juniper today. Bought it at a local bonsai nursery for a decent price. Got some brown spots toward the trunk, but overall looks pretty healthy to me. Not sure where to go with it next (after I make sure its healthy. Any pointers, styling advice, or critique would be greatly appreciated! 17390419643598863423616811609497.jpg
Should I start by removing some of the needles on the bottom of the branches


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Juniper is the silly putty of bonsai, so I think you can make it into a decent little tree. @Eric Schrader has a good video on how to style juniper, as well as other instructional videos on junipers. I recommend you start there. His YouTube channel and online store are both called Bonsaify.
The old Hollywood Juniper, Torulosa, no N, just makes it easier to search.

I always use google image search with bonsai in the search to see what others have come up with. There are lots of images you could use as inspiration,

Brown leaves look to me like a lack of sunlight, maybe they were spaces too close together or maybe its winter cold coloration, not sure where it came from.

Looks like a great starting point,
The old Hollywood Juniper, Torulosa, no N, just makes it easier to search.

I always use google image search with bonsai in the search to see what others have come up with. There are lots of images you could use as inspiration,

Brown leaves look to me like a lack of sunlight, maybe they were spaces too close together or maybe its winter cold coloration, not sure where it came from.

Looks like a great starting point,
Yeah not sure how to edit that 🤔, thanks for the clarification!
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