New Elm Tree, Advice Wanted

Cmeg has it. Wait until timing is right and you can get away with almost's 75% of the learning curve. If its difficult to water (like many of mine are right now), it just means it takes longer to water. Get the soil wet...wait a minute...get it wet again...repeat until water starts draining though the drainage holes...then repeat a couple more times. In the spring, when timing is right, you'll be able to repot it, and the margin for error is a mile wide.
Sounds like a plan, I'll hold off. I think I might try dunking the pot in water to see if that helps with evenly soaking the root ball.

Try submerging the entire pot slowly in water and let the rootball absorb what it will. Then let it drain.
I subscribe to a practice that is only done when the tree might not make it without repotting NOW. If you dont repot it now, and it will die due to the condition of the roots and soil, then what do you have to lose? Again, this is an emergency procedure, and you would only do what is needed to keep the tree alive.
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