Just picked up this ficus today, in a lovely April Grigsby pot. I'm hoping I can keep those aerial roots going. Just wanted to share, open to any suggestions. Looks like a few toys that died before hitting the soil, any way to restart those?
Just picked up this ficus today, in a lovely April Grigsby pot. I'm hoping I can keep those aerial roots going. Just wanted to share, open to any suggestions. Looks like a few toys that died before hitting the soil, any way to restart those?
Very nice. I don't have a burtt davyi ficus, but in my limited TBF, Schefflera. & green Island ficus, aerial root expereince I would say no. I'd love to be wrong though.
You can try misting them to keep the wet as long as they're not black & shriveled up. I mist my branches while the plant is in a high humdity enviroment to promote AR growth.
Toys obviously equals roots, ugh auto correct. I've trimmed the obviously dead roots and tried to get the others into landing pads of Japanese moss, easier to keep moist that way. I'm trying wraps of paper towel on two more, directing and keeping wet. Spray it whenever I see. I may pick up a cheap desktop humidifier, see if that helps them develop. Late season fidgeting.
During the winter when my tropicals are inside, I've used a big clear plastic bag to trap the humidity so aerial roots could form. I mist the branches where I want the AR to form. I keep them under lights & take them out of the bag every 4-5 days to check on it, and let it breathe. The AR began to form in a week and then the 5-6 week long growth process to reach the soil. It's worked for me, but you have to watch out for fungus & mold in that environment. I have a progression thread in this forum that has pictures if you want to see. They do best in humidity at 80+ in my experience, I've tried room humidifiers with no luck. Just thought I'd share my experience with getting aerial roots to form and stay alive. I have a grow tent now. Good luck.