New benches pretty full now


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Fresno, CA
During the winter I had to change out all of the boards on the shohin portion of my backyard benches. Over the last few month I have sold off quite a bit of stuff and potted up some other that could go on other portions of my bench. All of the shohin now have been repotted and are on the shelves. Now they look full.DSC_00040002.JPG DSC_00030001.JPG
From what I read from another of Al's posts here he should have those shelves covered with Diatomaceous Earth as he has serious snail problem.

Al, it looks like your benches are covered/shaded. If that is correct, how much direct sun do these nuggets typically get?
In the first pic, I thought a creepy old man was peering over the fence... upon closer inspection I see that it's a nicely carved piece of driftwood. pretty cool. I hope that scares off the snails.
I love the high tech watering system. I gotta get me one of those :rolleyes:

Seriously though, nice work.
Nice work Al...if I weren't an honest sort...I would love visiting and having a few fall into my pockets...and oh no! Flash back image of photo with the pink thong pops up yet again in my mind thanks to a comment in a thread. Lol
Nice setup, Al. I wonder if we could get a close-up of the semi-cascade ?juniper? in the Bunzan pot toward the middle of the bottom row? Looks tasty.
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