Three years into my journey, finds me with many more trees, and bushes to care for than I ever expected at the start ! I have killed off a few along the way, and learned valuable lessons from what did not work well. This was not surprising to me that some died. What did surprise me was that any lived at all ! Those that have lived, taught many valuable things as well ! I am going to try to show each plant separately in a photo, with some description, and hope they will each survive, to have updates in the future.
Pine seedling in its second year.

Mugo Pine two years in the ground.

Third year in a pot, put a chunk of juniper to separate the trunks.

Monterey Lemon Cypress a few months in its pot, mild trimming of inner growth, and bending of branches.

Japanese Red Maple seedling, mail ordered rooted seedling, potted in soil.

Attempting a windswept/cliff side oak. Plan to shorten the three long branches, after the leaves drop.

My attempt at a roots over rock Red Maple. In its fourth year.

Red Maple at four years in pots, freshly repotted. Had poor drainage, which is now fixed. Surface root development seems good.

Rose of Sharon in its third year potted, gave its first flowers this year !

Had to add a flower pic !

Oak in its third year in a pot, ready to be potted into larger pot. Needs the suckers to be air pruned.

Azalea is three years old also. Have taken a couple of cuttings unsuccessfully. Again drainage issues.

Boxwood cutting taken last month.

Sassafrass seedling/ rooted cutting three months old.

This Honeysuckle was cut to the ground five years ago when I moved into this house. Gave it a trellis, and helped it to grabe the fence. The humming birds love it !

This Red Oak was a volunteer in my garden this year. Most likely a squirrel planting !
These are what I have growing in pots right now. There are two more in pots, which I posted in the Maple forum in the threads I started there. I also have planted some Maples in the ground, and have a Birch volunteer that is over 10’ tall ! It must have been cut down below ground level before we moved in here to grow that big ?
Thanks for looking in !

Pine seedling in its second year.

Mugo Pine two years in the ground.

Third year in a pot, put a chunk of juniper to separate the trunks.

Monterey Lemon Cypress a few months in its pot, mild trimming of inner growth, and bending of branches.

Japanese Red Maple seedling, mail ordered rooted seedling, potted in soil.

Attempting a windswept/cliff side oak. Plan to shorten the three long branches, after the leaves drop.

My attempt at a roots over rock Red Maple. In its fourth year.

Red Maple at four years in pots, freshly repotted. Had poor drainage, which is now fixed. Surface root development seems good.

Rose of Sharon in its third year potted, gave its first flowers this year !

Had to add a flower pic !

Oak in its third year in a pot, ready to be potted into larger pot. Needs the suckers to be air pruned.

Azalea is three years old also. Have taken a couple of cuttings unsuccessfully. Again drainage issues.

Boxwood cutting taken last month.

Sassafrass seedling/ rooted cutting three months old.

This Honeysuckle was cut to the ground five years ago when I moved into this house. Gave it a trellis, and helped it to grabe the fence. The humming birds love it !

This Red Oak was a volunteer in my garden this year. Most likely a squirrel planting !
These are what I have growing in pots right now. There are two more in pots, which I posted in the Maple forum in the threads I started there. I also have planted some Maples in the ground, and have a Birch volunteer that is over 10’ tall ! It must have been cut down below ground level before we moved in here to grow that big ?
Thanks for looking in !