Needle cut on JBP Cascade

I think once this tree is fully recovered, you could be even bolder with your bends in the trunk. There is a part of the top that looks unnaturally straight to me. Keep us posted.
I agree, it seems pretty straight. I would really crank on this tree when it is ready for it.
I think once this tree is fully recovered, you could be even bolder with your bends in the trunk. There is a part of the top that looks unnaturally straight to me. Keep us posted.


Bend it while you can. Be really aggressive while it is young because you are getting close to the time where it will harden up.
nice piece. I picked up a creeping scots I was unsure what I wanted to do with. I may go along these lines
Right now, I don't get a very "windswept" feel from your design. I thought you were going more for a semi-cascade. With a windswept you really don't want any branches going against the flow of the trunk, it upsets the feeling of the wind pushing constantly in one direction. (examples from the wild, and bonsai). If you are going for a windswept design I agree you can have a straighter trunk, because the branches become the driving force of the design. Just make sure if you have your trunk going so strongly to the left, that the branches go strongly to the left as well.


I am... doing a semi-cascade.
I just was showing Amy Liang's windswept, cause I was inspired by it.
That's where the not following it to a "T" part comes in at.

When it came to styling this tree I went through the "Pros and Cons" of what was nice with the tree and what was not.
The biggest problem areas lied mainly with the trunk.
1. the thickness.
2. the length or height of the trunk.
I knew that this tree would take a serious amount of work if I styled it in a more "traditional" JBP shape.
And even then I didn't feel it would be that great of a tree.

So... recalling some of the really awesome more unconventional JBPs that I have seen over the years that I always
wanted to perhaps be able to style one like. I felt what better tree to do it on than this.

I appreciate all the feedback that I have received from everyone, and it's really comes to no surprise that everyone
says I should do the opposite... that seems to be a running theme with just about every tree I post a thread about. :)
Which is fine... but I really gotta ask one question, why would putting more bends in the trunk, make it look anymore
realistic ??? If you can imagine seeing my tree cascading off the side of a mountain somewhere, then I have done my job...

I am responding to what I sense when I see the tree. Younger trees have straighter trunks (they are saplings). Trees that grow in meadows with lots of sun and good soil have straighter trunks. Old trees, clinging to the side of a mountain, barely hanging on and cascading down the side have gnarly old bent trunks. They keep trying to grow up, but the elements keep beating them down. They lose branches, have weird kinks and crooks, lots of deadwood. They don't have to be really fat or thick - and in some case can be literati style with very thin figurative trunks, but they are never straight. So when I see your tree my mind says to me "young tree" which is not the feeling I think you are shooting for.

Also, keep a critical eye on your trunk-line. You want to avoid perfectly horizontal lines as much as possible. If the trunk goes up before it cascades, make sure it rises at an obvious angle and then slants down. Otherwise it should drop immediately down. Horizontal is not good because it makes the tree look light and young.

I tried to find some photos of a decent semi-cascade JBP but there wasn't a lot out there...

It is your tree. I like it. It reminds me of the trees that go over and grow on the beaches around here and due to erosion grow almost exactly like that. It is Bonsai in nature I have not seen anywhere else.
The posters giving advice are simply passionate. I can see their point and I can see yours. Enjoy the process over the next few years. I wold wait for a repot. Give it time to flourish and be healthy and get some good growth. It looks healthy now but styling stresses a tree. If you do it next year go easy on the roots, try to leave them be.
My opinion may not mean much being that just now I'm dedicating more of my recreational time to bonsai. I think it'd be nice if you could get your tree to follow along the style of Amy Liang's design. It looks like your tree is young and flexible enough that you could go so many directions with the styling.
What do you all think ???

Stacy you're a funny person. You ask people for their opinion, but then attack them if their opinion isn't exactly the one you want to hear? If you can't learn anything from anyone, why do you even ask? If it makes you happier - the tree is awesome - nothing can possibly be done to improve it - it is the absolute pinnacle of bonsai perfection. Hopefully this will allow you to have a better day...
Why are you so angry? If the tree makes you happy, great...

Give me an hour or so and I will post a photo of one of my trees that looks pretty similar to yours, and you can critique it all you want. :) [EDIT] Actually, now that I think about it, it might be best if I don't post one of my trees because it would look like I am trying to convince you that my tree is a "better" tree. That is not my intent. So we'll just say we have different visions of bonsai and leave it at that :) [/EDIT]
No, nothing attackish in that response.:rolleyes: :D
@stacy I totally get what you are going for .... and I don't care what "style" anyone wants to put it in ... I like the trees potential... I have but one thing that bothers me ..... that branch that swoops back .... the only thing about the branch that bothers me.... is its location it's part of a whirl and seems be part of a large section of congestion .... (for instance if it were 2" further toward the base I would like it more) .... so my question to you is... have you considered removing it .... and what effect do you think that removing it would have on your intended design ??

[ being part of a whirl as you know will eventually cause reverse taper and knobbing, but that's not the issue I am concerned with atm ]
"I have but one thing that bothers me ..... that branch that swoops back ....

That is mostly what I think people are getting hung up on. I know it kind of stuck out in my mind when I looked at the tree--and I am hardly a traditionalist in styling trees dealing mostly with collected stuff.
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