Zach Smith
That sounds about right. My rule of thumb, for the most part, is to allow a new leader to run until it's about 2/3 to 3/4 as thick as the transition point, then cut it back to about three basal diameters in length. This produces nice taper and, with a little wire, some movement too. By the time you grow out your apex three or four times like this you should have a smooth transition and great taper. This doesn't apply to flat-top BC, incidentally. Whole different critter.Do you practice the "each new top leader should be half the size of the one before it" method of pruning top-leaders to develop your apex's taper? I can't remember the poster who suggested this to @Mellow Mullet (or discussed it with him) but the idea is of growing the top leader / hard-pruning back each season in a manner where, each year, the new segment you're adding (what you'd grown the year before and are now hard-pruning in spring) is half the size of the one before it. I like the idea and intend to apply it to my tree here although I'll be honest that I'm utterly confused as to what height I should cut that big primary back to, was picturing something like cutting it back to 6-7" and then doing that approach (which if I'm not mistaken is basically the fibonacci sequence in reverse as you go upward through the apex's taper-levels), only I'm not so sure that 50% reductions are best I imagine it depends on the specific piece you're working and that it may be better to reduce the degree of reduction as you go upward...while the later-stage stuff is far-off, the degree to which I prune that leader in January (~early Feb is my current "best date", til I find it's wrong / sub-optimal it's the best I know) does matter and am thinking something like 6-7" is optimal (which means the actual cut should be an inch higher, to account for bad-luck on where things bud!!)
As for dense ramification, don't expect it with BC because the smallest twigs will die each winter. Work on getting the secondary and tertiary branching looking right. I promise you'll like the way the tree looks just fine.