Need advice on best fungicide


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Have several BR junipers that have root issues that I have determined to be fungal in the roots. It has been a persistent problem for years with wild strain BRJ I have in my collection--even when grown in hypercourse soils. I would like recommendations on fungicide treatment. So far I am considering treating them with Subdue Maxx or Clearys 3336. Please convince me what to do.
Have you ever tried a root drench in a peroxide solution?

Mix 2 tablespoons or up to 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide (from the grocery/pharmacy) in a quart of water. The 2 tablespoon rate is the recommended dilution for the commercial product ZeroTol.

All it took was word about ZeroTol's effectiveness from @garywood for me to switch to peroxide spraying and root drenches. Peroxide releases reactive oxygen and turns into just plain ol' water, so it is eco-friendly - no toxicity or accumulation concerns. We boy scouts used to pack peroxide in first aid kits because it is a good antiseptic (i.e., it kills bacteria in addition to a broad spectrum of fungi).
Not sure what BR juniper is but one of the best anti root rot products I've used is Banrot. I'm not convinced that very coarse soil is the answer. You can get root rot from dry roots just as much as you can from wet. Better to stick to a tried and true mix like 50/50 3 to 5mm akadama and sand with all the fines removed. Use a coarse layer in the bottom 5-7mm perhaps with a little charcoal of the same size. And to use a pot where you only have 1/2 to 1 inch of room for the roots before they touch the edge of the pot.
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