Imperial Masterpiece
I am going to give these bags a go…….$30-$50 and up to 1500 ppm of co2 for 6 mnths!!!
That blows away the price of my tanks at $37 every 2 mnths.
Natural mycelum that never fruits and high co2 producing……some proprietary strain.
The 365 bags inoculate when you purchase it which is actually kind of good …..the smaller cheaper bags I think I’m kind of unsure, but I think they already start producing CO2 so might shorten the six month duration……… I’m not sure I’ll have to ask when I go buy it.
That blows away the price of my tanks at $37 every 2 mnths.
Natural mycelum that never fruits and high co2 producing……some proprietary strain.
The 365 bags inoculate when you purchase it which is actually kind of good …..the smaller cheaper bags I think I’m kind of unsure, but I think they already start producing CO2 so might shorten the six month duration……… I’m not sure I’ll have to ask when I go buy it.
ExHale CO2 Bags
Producers of the worlds most powerful natural CO2 bags. Inexpensive, safe, and 6 months of CO2 guaranteed per bag!