Napa DE Sifting Question


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West Virginia
Hi Everyone,

New to the group, and haven't made a proper post yet. Still hoping to source some of your wisdom.

Being a new bonsai nut, I found myself realizing there are better and more affordable alternatives to Akadama. After purchasing 3 bags of Akadama for my Bonsais I figured there has to be a better way. So I just ran down and picked up a bag of Napa 8822 as I've read on here and am ready to rock and roll. Im just not sure on how best to sift it? What are you guys using? I picked up some aluminum screen mesh from Lowes, but am a little worried it won't let through all the smalls I want it to. Do you have any tricks on household items you use to sift, and/or best practices. I have a bucket and the mesh so far.
Welcome to Crazy!

That should work.

A good set of seives is useful.

Some kids sandbox toys have a sifter, that'll work.

Letting it settle and grabbing off the top works too.

They say don't breath the dust. Meh.

Thanks everyone. After trying to make something, I gave in due to it being late and just orded one from Amazon as suggested.
I went without sifting the other day.
But I wouldn't use the settled bottom contents alone.

Next thing you know you're going to be sifting clays through it and making pots!

I don’t sieve. The dust scares me. When I am done with a repot I water the heck out of it. After a good 5 minutes of heavy watering I am sure there aren’t enough particles left to do any harm.
Do you wash it to get rid of the dust or do you think it's okay just to use the top side of the bag without doing anything?
Most runs out when watering.
Think of the rest as akadama that's broken down.
Fine feeder roots love it.
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