How about you 0soyoung? How are these doing? I’m getting prepared to start some maple seeds and I would like some of them to start in small pots for mame.
The laceleaf didn't make it and I haven't found another.

The fothergilla didn't either, but I have another that is already bare, coming up on its second winter

(I have trouble understanding how cell cameras can pick out a bit of distant background in one corner of the frame and focus in that instead of what's right there in the middle of the field of view

I still have two horsechestnuts, the one I posted was moved to a small dish.

The other is in a pink pot that is smaller than the b&w stripe.

I get a huge kick out of them because of how radical the miniaturization can be. Here's a pic of the two with a leaf from their mom and a conker like the one from which they came (thank you squirrels!).
I have tons of Norway maples still and cannot recall loosing a one, but I cannot even find this little blue pot, so I guess it is lost

. In its stead, here are pix of a couple of others

The walnut was a bit of a kick (funny), but I got rid of it. I've now got several sorbus (rowan / mountain ash) - that b&w pot now has one in it.

and another that has a little better fall color

that partially satisfy my need for a compound leaf challenge.