When I first stated bonsai, like most everyone, I though I could grow anything..wrong, I paid my dues, I killed three JWP's before I quit. I love Amercan yamadori conifers so, I bought an RMJ and my friend Kirby told me to leave it alone for a couple years, right. I worked on it the first year and killed it. Then I started out with a small ponderosa and it lived, so I found out Ponderosa do well here, now I have several. Since my horticultural skills have improved a little over the years, I decided to try another RMJ and leave it along like Kirby said. Here is the results when you listen to your more knowledgeable friends. If you live in the south midwest and want a RMJ, don't be afraid to try one, just leave it alone and let it acclimate for a few years. Maybe it will get styled next year, marco's call.
keep it green,
keep it green,