My poor Jade

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Mid Tennessee
Hello all! I just wanted to show you what I did over the weekend to my jade. I've had it for about 4, years now. I had it in a pot that was way too big for it and the soil stayed too wet. So over this weekend I decided to repot it into something smaller in order to get better soil in it but also in oder to get it done morning sun and without dominating the window. Problem is it was way too tall to sit comfortably in the pot so I had to do some choping. im hoping. Some branches will develop new growth from the stump. Let me know what you think.


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Euh, I'm not a succulent expert but that new soil looks like a solid rock. But, I think it's too much stress to repot it again (are there holes in the new pot?)
Nah it's a sand/potting soil mix. It looks weird because it's still wet. It does and a layer of gravel at the bottom
Sand can actually smother the thin delicate roots on a jade, it also retains moisture due to such small grains. I use miracle grow citrus/cactus soil with my jades and they do really well. I've had my big one for 16 years and have never had a root issue. Mine is grown as a house plant, not bonsai.
Sand can actually smother the thin delicate roots on a jade, it also retains moisture due to such small grains. I use miracle grow citrus/cactus soil with my jades and they do really well. I've had my big one for 16 years and have never had a root issue. Mine is grown as a house plant, not bonsai.
Well shoot I wish I would've known this before I put three of my succulents in it. The guy at the local nursery suggested it
It's been inside for 4 years I put it outside in shade when we moved ad it went into shock state.

They need to acclimatize. Usually about two weeks then expect nice back budding, if the soil and temperature/light are proper.

Is that a port. Afra or regular jade?
Man that is long internodes. It hates being inside. Its an desert plant that needs to be outside. Don't worry about the shock. It'll get over it. Put it somewhere where it can get some direct sun please. You can remove it from the sand and leave it outside to dry out if its to wet. That thing is as tough as a vulture's lips...:p If you don't have the right soil for it, do as Gail says above and get it some cactus mix....;)
Mine won't do any thing but drop leaves well in side.. but after a week out side BAM! It starts going wild.

I would be super scared to chop it down to a stump... good luck. Hope we get to see a positive update from ya.
Nah you can chop it down no problem. They are born survivors. Chop it, stick the top in soil and you got two. This is one that I chopped at soil level. Stuck the top in the pot and buried it in the ground.....but then again everything changes if you in a snow/freeze area. That is one thing it cant handle.
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Yeah, I chop mine up sometimes and easily root the clipping in just about anything. That is a regular jade judging by the size of the leaves, same thing I have. Mine lives inside in the winter, outside in the shade/indirect light during the summer.
They are super tough, I often forget to water it in the winter until its completely flopped over and its pretty big, takes a huge stake to hold it up while it firms back up.

Sand is a big no no in the succulent/cactus community. Its common for people who don't know better to recommend it, they mistakenly think succulents or cactus grow in sand in the wild and thats what they need in containers.

I have mixed pearlite with regular potting soil with good results but I don't care much for it. Pearlite is so light, it washes out of the pot easily. Next repot for the jade, I will mix in some napa dry, its quick draining but retains some moisture, much better then pearlite and doesn't wash out as easy.
Just for interest...The two jades originates from the same area in Southern Africa. They often grow side by side in the wild...
This big leaved Jade cutting is one I just laid down on fine pumice before winter, and placed it in the garage window. Started rooting midway in winter...
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Well tomorrow I will get some cactus mix and repot and put em outside thanks for the tip
If you don't get snow, put the pot a few inches in the ground and forget about it. They grow best when you not looking ...;)
Idk I'm renting to i really don't want anything in the ground. Plus my area has unpredictable winters
Well shoot I wish I would've known this before I put three of my succulents in it. The guy at the local nursery suggested it
I Just have a few I carved up from a HD jade, but also use the succulent/citrus soil and they are growing like crazy.
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