My first Yamadori, and biggest project....

There is some growth in the middle of the trunk. Here it is, if you can see it:


It's there :)
And here is the tree as of today. It is crazy. What is exactly is the problem with using this species as bonsai again? Is it that their leaves don't reduce so well? I can always have a larger bonsai, and I think this one would be great to use since they flower so beautifully.



Wel,, say that when it flowers.. Flowers don't reduce.

These also dislike container culture--tend to be a bit temperamental in pots, are prone to root rot and as you can see push leggy, mostly unattractive growth.

It's normal to be a bit enthralled with new material. It kind of wears off after living with it for a few years though. Some trees continue to cooperate and develop into nice things to have around. Others are just a pain in the rear. Time will tell...

By the way, you may be finding out why this species isn't well like for bonsai. Hard pruning can cause die back. I'd wager the top two third of these trunks are dead...or won't last a year or two.
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Don't be discouraged. Learn and make the most of what you have. If it doesn't work out, move on. Pioneers always question dogma and are cast out for their alternative perspective. Just ask Walter Pall, Kimura...
There is no "dogma" here or "casting out," Just saying what works and what's worthy of effort and what probably isn't.
Ryan, I say treat it as a learning tree. Then you're bound to get some good from working with it, no matter what else may or may not happen. :)
Hey Ryan, what ever happened to this redbud? I recently went through a very similar process, with a redbud growing only from the base, so I was wondering if you ever got growth higher up or if you eventually gave up on it.
Hey Ryan, what ever happened to this redbud? I recently went through a very similar process, with a redbud growing only from the base, so I was wondering if you ever got growth higher up or if you eventually gave up on it.

Nope, no growth sprouted higher up, then the growth that did sprout from the bottom died off for no reason, so I figured it wasn't worth the effort.
Sorry to hear that. I've had poor luck with digging/moving redbuds (a neighbor has a tree that seeds our yard so they come up everywhere). I've tried digging several - a few went into nursery pots and others right to a new spot in the ground. Most eventially died, often after pushing out new growth. I do have a small one that I hope to eventually get in a bonsai started as a seedling near a fence and the trunk got bent into an interesting shape. Was able to dig it and get it established in a pot for a year, just replanted it in the ground this spring to grow for a while. So far so good. It maintained relatively small leaves during it's year in the pot, and the leaves are still small.
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