Welcome to the sport of bonsai!
My wife and I just bought our first house and now I've got the room.
IF, by "now I've got the room" you mean indoors, you need to know that few -- maybe none -- of the native trees and shrubs of your area will do well indoors. Bonsai is an outdoor spot -- except for a select few tropical plants.
Here are the bonsai clubs in LA. I'd recommend you join one, even though they're not that close to you.
LOUISIANA - Baton Rouge
Louisiana Bonsai Society. Meets at Baton Rouge Garden Center, 7950 Independence Blvd, third Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Contact: Howard Merrill at (225) 275-2917 Shows at the Garden Center, April and November.
LOUISIANA - Lafayette
Bonsai Society of Acadiana. Meets at University of Louisiana @ Lafayette Horticulture Center, Johnston St., first Wednesday, 7:00 PM. Contact: Bonsai Society of Acadiana P.O. Box 51906 Lafayette, La. 70505-1906 or Johnny Hardcastle at 337/365-4829 or e-mail address
LOUISIANA - Lake Charles
Lake Charles Bonsai Society meets at McNeese State Univ., Frasch Hall, Lecture Hall 101, Beauregard Drive at Ryan Street, third Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Contact: Dennis Corley, President, P.O. Box 1652, Lake Charles, LA 70602, Phone: (409) 866-5803 E-mail:
awbonsai@bellsouth.net Check website for driving directions.
LOUISIANA - New Orleans
Greater New Orleans Bonsai Society. Meets at St. Andrews Church hall, 8017 Zimple St., second Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Johnny Martinez, (504) 467-2857. Meeting date may change in months we have guest speakers.Annual Society Show is in May at the Botanical Gardens in City Park in the Annual Greater New Orleans Spring Garden Show. WEBSITE:
LOUISIANA - Shreveport
Shreveport Bonasi Society- Meets Monthly at the Barnwell Art and Garden Center. 801 Clyde Fant Memorial Parkway, on the second Saturday 1:00pm. Annual Spring Show and Workshop. For more info contact: Robert Specian (318) 227-0744, E-Mail
rspecian@comcast.net Website: