These are great pics....good on you for taking the time.
I probly picked the worst case scenario pic for this first one, this will be moslty stuff to think about. Except that leftside green and red lines....I'd cut that heavy branch at the red, and allow for the green to be the continuation. Cut like now. It is way too heavy for the top. And the resulting movement is charming.

The yellow line indicates where branches are directly across from each other.
The near vertical red line right of yellow could be cut.
As you have good spacing of branches to the right...the one just below yellow, and the one marked by the farthest right green line.
This is the only pic where it seems very heavy and congested in the apex...I don't know where this mess goes when you spin it! But it works!
The highest red line, is a possible removal of said congestion. Save that right most green line branch if possible.
The blue circle....I would look at removing anything heavier than that in the top...
If you see...the top is way thicker than the bottom...bad.
Good news, you know it will grow back, so no fear cutting in the apex!
The 2 green arrows is where I would consider a continuation of trunk line.
The both favor your first trunk direction,
Which is what you want. Your apex moving in harmony with your first trunk movement....and leaning a little forward.
The following what I would do right you can see in better....and because it has to happen... stated before....the apex is no will grow back!
Both those red cuts have the green finer branches close to take their place....
The left one is straight and ugly, and the right one can free up some congestion.
I see a couple more scenarios like this just left in this pic....where you can rid yourself of some heavy, and get finer branching in the apex.
Go about the tree with your thoughts....
Remembering you want heavier on the bottom...and finer up top.
I would actually go ahead and cut all the red lines....except that highest one in the first pic....
It'll open it up, you'll lose nothing....and gain an easier look into it....which will make it easier to ponder till fall.
And.....that apex ain't getting thinner on its own!
Thanks for letting ME ponder this righteous lil feller!
Great tree!