My Best Collected Tree- Story of a Steady Decline

My gut feeling is the original soil is going to be a gooey wet ball of clay, sitting in the middle of a nice free-draining soil mix.

I had a Juniper like this from a garden that struggled for years, in the end I hosed off all the clay in the middle, put it back in the pot and left it on a roof with nearly no watering other than rain - to get as much sun as possible.

It worked really well! (for my particular tree)

The problem with this operation is it really would be kill-or-cure, so I'll defer to people with more experience than me.

Maybe find a way to monitor the water levels in the inner root ball as well as the outer soil mix?

Have you fed it at all?
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I'd like to ask a question, and I hope I don't insult you... that planter you have them in now- you drilled holes in the bottom, right? It almost looks like the roots might be too wet.

The poor guy is trying really hard to stay alive.
I find myself wondering about your juniper occasionally, it looked like there was still hope, so how's it doing? Still got some green?
One of the two is still living. The one I pictured here sadly died. Yes there were probably 40 1/4" holes in the bottom and sides.
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