My Back Yard -Japanese White pine

I'll say!

They look beautifully healthy!

Just a question?? Perhaps it is only a perspective issue from the video, but your koi look almost stunted...not all but some. They certainly look happy, gorgeously colored, and very well fed but seem to be too thick in comparison to their length? I look at the video again perhaps obese might be a better term than stunted....

Is it just an illusion? Certainly not trying to be insulting or critical in any way...just curious!

Fyi...longtime koi keeper and previous retailer of quality imported fish(more than 25 years ago).

Beautiful trees, pond and fish. I like that everything is raised up. Is the pond any deeper than the sidewalk level? I guess in a warm climate it wouldn't need to be.
But, too much concrete for my tastes. Ever think about acid staining it?
Thank you all, some very kind words.
Johng : your bald cypress is awesome.Wish to have one !
As with so many things your music set the mood and much appreciated. Is it Kitaro? Some of his music I have. Lovely setting and nice fish. Very nice White pine even in growing pot.;)
Thank you for your comments Potawatomi
Yes! It's Kitaro
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