Multicoloured Japanese Maple Forest?


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Midland, MI
Been thinking about the possibility of making a forest with various colours of coral bark Japanese maples. I've seen cultivars with trunks of green, yellow, orange, red, and coral. Has anyone tried this? Any photos to share of how it turned out?

Similarly, same idea but with leaves. Thinking something like standard green, standard red, Summer Gold. Any other suggestions? Examples?
Great idea. I have been dabbling with forests and once tried a beech forest of two colors. The nice thing I found is that in summer they look pretty much the same, and in automn winter all of the sudden you are hit with the different colours. Mine was handed over after a few years, when I started to listen to other people who were telling me that using seedlings was not the way to build a bonsai.

I should have known better and walked my own route. That forest would have been over a decade old now, and would probably have taught me loads.
Maybe I should restart one, hm. Thanks a lot. Now I have to go out and find trees again!
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