Moving to the west coast.

Chris, Ben is moving to southern CA. Ponderosa's even grow naturally in northern CA. No problems up there.
I hope the move is a good one for you and your family Ben. Plenty of yamadori junipers out there! :)
Thanks all, don't worry this is my second trip out west believe it or not. I grew up on the east moved to NYC out of college lived there for about 4 years then moved to Southern California after 9.11 as that changed the mood here for awhile. Lived there for 5 years then moved out here for a really good job, its just not the same lifestyle after you've lived there though. Its for the best for sure, we're moving for all the right reasons. I'll be posting quite a few more trees before I go stay tuned. Progress is what makes bonsai so much fun starting over isn't as bad as you may think as long as you go about it the right way. The trees I don't sell on here ill be selling on evilbay so I have plenty to stock up on new projects with when I get there.

Soon to come

An old Ilex Serrata with a nice deadwood trunk.
Another much younger ilex serrata.
A Young but nicely shaped zushio.
A thick trunked Camilia and possibly a second rehabilitation project I took on.
A nice in progreas chunin quercus robur (cork bark oak with the ability to produce truffles)
Another collected Ponderosa.
A really nice piece of cypress stock.
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There are definite rules and some absolute exclusions if you go through a border inspection station.
Some trees are not allowed at all. Scots pine is one of them.
For Japanese black pine you will need to have a European pine shoot moth certificate.
Any of the trees that are considered carriers of Sudden Oak Death would need to have a USDA inspection certificate. Azaleas are on that list.
The California dept of ag probably has a website.
Good luck,

Yep sadly I have to sell that Scots I bought from you its doing great though! That was gonna be such a fun project... At least ill be closer to Portland so I can visit you and the rest of the bonsai community up there a lot more often. In addition to doing Michaels seasonals up there in the spring and the following seasons next year I plan to do Ryan's eventually as well. I was signed up for Michaels fall seasonal but had to cancel since I start my new job 3 days before the seasonal. But I'll still be up in the fall sometime for sure it'll just be late fall early winter probably....
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