Mountain maple?

I find that all maple species I have toyed with reduce leaf sizes dramatically if kept small. I've noted that a. rubrum, a. platanaoides, a. circinatum, a. pseudoplatinus, a. macrophyllum, and to some extent Japanese maples tend to produce smaller leaves near ground level than at the top of the tree. So I presume that all acers will behave similarly. It seems that how much tree is above those low leaves does not matter. In other words, it does not seem to be because of auxin suppression. The leaves 1 cm above ground will be pretty much the same miniature size regardless of whether there is another 10 meters of tree above or not.

Certainly Japanese maples (palmatum, shirasawanum) and Norway maple also tend to produce smaller leaves in bonsai culture = root-bound conditions. The taller the specimen's trunk, the larger the first flush apical leaves tend to be, but the second flush apical leaves come in line with the sizes below after defoliation. Just as I believe all maples will do this to some degree, I do not have larger sized specimens of other species to testify that they indeed do.
Thanks, I was planning to keep one of the trees small, maybe this will keep the leaves small. But I understand from the previous posts that sycamore has other issues that do not fit well with Bonsai.
Thanks, I was planning to keep one of the trees small, maybe this will keep the leaves small. But I understand from the previous posts that sycamore has other issues that do not fit well with Bonsai.
That may indeed be, but you've got a few, so have fun finding out what you think.
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