Ming Dynasty Reproduction Bonsai Pots

This post is a sales pitch, from the beginning. I don't mind someone selling bonsai stuff, but please don't try to pass it off as some kind of "discussion" and don't get hurt when someone participating in a group forum lets some air out of it. It's like going to the beach and complaining it's too sandy...

Of course it was a sales pitch from the beginning, which is why it was posted in the selling and trading section of the forum. May I suggest if you don't like sale pitches, that you stay out of the section dedicated to such?

That being said, it looks like you're the one at the beach....

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It's a sales pitch ON AN OPEN FORUM. Don't like people commenting on what you're selling, don't post...Want some sunscreen?
As much as I enjoy your words of wisdom, I'm rather busy at the moment, let me get back to you on that, meanwhile, sorry about kicking sand in your face. lmao
Gee Will, I don't think it's me with the sand in the shorts...Thanks for being so attentive, overly sensitive and willing to take offense at the drop of a hat.
Maybe there will be a thread on the Vendor Experiences board... :cool:
In the name of inter-forum relations, AoB has donated 1 pot (including shipping) to IBC for their pot auction fund raiser, keep an eye on IBC for the upcoming auction.
In the name of inter-forum relations, AoB has donated 1 pot (including shipping) to IBC for their pot auction fund raiser, keep an eye on IBC for the upcoming auction.

Will it get there in time? :rolleyes:
Will, many thanks for the prompt service you have given me. The pot arrived today, well packed and nicely presented in the box. The order was placed on the 21st of November, posted on the 23rd and arrived today. Eight days is a good turnaround from Michigan to Victoria, Australia and I was lucky enough to get a nice low number.

I think all the negative responses given here were unnecessary, considering you were going through urgent family business at that time. People should take on board the fact that life can sometimes get in the way of the best laid plans and compassion might have been better displayed than a public pillory.

The 'Dragon' pot wil be cherished as it is well made and from such a great artist. I also like the fact that Robert Steven personally signed the certificate that came with the pot. Great product and great service, thanks once more Will.

Will Heath Disappeared with Robert Steven's Pot

As you may know that I had recently made the limited edition antique bonsai pot repro produced in the ancient Dragon Kiln of China, and had been selling through http://aobkobstore.com. Will Heath was the one I shipped my pots and does the selling. But recently I received several emails from people who had ordered and paid for the pot but never received it; and also from the AoB Contest winners who never received the pot as I had sponsored.

I had been trying to send emails to Will, even send SMS to his mobiles..but no respond... and recently Paul Stokes replied in http://knowledgeofbonsai.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4713 telling Will was disappeared. Will STILL OWE ME THE MONEY FOR ALL THE POTS I SHIPPED TO HIM FOR SALE.

I simply can't believe he can do this to me and to the bonsai community...I lost my full respect to him as I did as the editor for my book “Mission of Transformation” and as a friend. I really fill ashamed on him and feel sorry for him to have destroyed his own reputation in the bonsai community !!! He should had told me if he had any personal problem and I would be pleased to help on his payment, but not in silence and does not ship out after receiving payment from others.

Through this message, I warn all of you for NOT to order anymore the pot... I just feel very sad that all my afford to make this limited edition pot ends up on this guy's hand. Maybe one day the pots in his stock will be distributing around, and let this issue be part of the pot’s history....hehe…

Last but not least, despite of my money (not a big deal in fact), I think the one who is running KoB and AoB should clarify this issue officially through the forums as this certainly is damaging the reputation especially on future KoB/AoB’s contest.

Best bonsai regards,
Robert S.
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