MHBonsai Little Christmas Tree Entry

Then I left it all fall and winter to recover. This spring I’m pleased to find a ton of back buds. Many good active buds to cut back to. I debated if I should keep the long branches to keep fueling root growth.


Decided to cut back. Hoping to drive more growth to the interior. So far so good.


terrible photos, sorry😀
We are coming closer to the end of the Little Christmas Tree contest. Final photos should be posted in your individual threads, and will be voted on by the general membership starting on April 30.

Time to start thinking about your repotting, final design, wiring, pruning and generally getting the trees in shape for the contest!
It’s dead!

I think an infestation of mites did it in before I could catch it. And like usual I overworked it too fast. Oops!
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