I have the book and have the complete set of BT magazines. (though have not read all of them yet) It will sound arrogant but I never take everything they (or anyone) says. I always probe and see if there is any flaw in it...and IN MY MIND, that is flawed. I could be wrong but I cannot accept it (based on my logic).
Again, good luck if you decide to try it yourself.
its not arrogance but perhaps a little ignorance, conversely if one takes everything they read or hear as gospel than they are a little ignorant as well. I definitely think you tip the scale in the one direction and perhaps I do in the other. I have not done the complete 7-8 year process as I have not done bonsai that long but I have removed trees that have been in colanders for apparently many years and I have also grown trees in containers such as colanders and anderson flats that have grown through the small holes into the ground. So I think I have enough related evidence to form a logical conclusion of what happens when the second colander is added.