I know others prefer the small size of turface for air layering, no sphagnum moss.
They state it is easier to remove than sphagnum moss, less chance of damaging the new roots.
I know others prefer the small size of turface for air layering, no sphagnum moss.
They state it is easier to remove than sphagnum moss, less chance of damaging the new roots.
I take hard wire cloth 1/4 inch and grind the moss on the wire frame, with a bucket or pan to catch it. It’s pretty quick process, then soak in in water.
Let’s hope third time is the charm. I redid this air layer again. I also cut more bark off and re applied rooting hormone again. I used hormodin 3 this time. If that don’t work I don’t know what will. I do like how much the bottom of the airlayer has swollen compared to what it was.
Let’s hope third time is the charm. I redid this air layer again. I also cut more bark off and re applied rooting hormone again. I used hormodin 3 this time. If that don’t work I don’t know what will. I do like how much the bottom of the airlayer has swollen compared to what it was. View attachment 480045View attachment 480046View attachment 480047
It put out one lonely little root. Since I have been having better success rooting them as cuttings than air layering them I went ahead and separated it and potted it up. It put out a bud or two so we will see what happens this spring once the BC start waking up. I have since amassed an army of bald cypresses so I’m not going to be too hurt if the layered piece croaks. Btw, this one’s top browned out also and had a second flush. BC are weird trees.