Magnolia Fiscati

A close relative of Magnolia, Asimina triloba, the pawpaw, is sometimes called Michigan banana. It is hardy and native to Michigan, has eatable and desirable small fruit, but has big leaves.
Paw paw has a lot of names. My favorite is "Hillbilly Banana." It's all over the Appalachians.
John it is about time to come clean. A great new tree about every couple of weeks. How big of a operation and how many employees do you have?
I'm thinking that this is way too much for one person to handle.
Great stuff!
Love this tree John. Nice, I wish I could smell it.

Magnolia is in the family Magnoliaceae, order Magnoliales
Pawpaw is Asimina triloba, family Annonaceae, order Magnoliales

Cats and Dogs are in different families, but are in the same Order, Carnivora, so my point is that Pawpaw is related to Magnolia about at close as cats are to dogs. Not very close. Certainly not like Wolf & Dog, or Cat and Tiger.

So I don't think of pawpaw as being similar to magnolia. Other than they both have large simple leaves.
Pawpaw is a very poor choice for bonsai, many "bad habits", at least magnolia is somewhat adaptable, as John and Rick's Magnolia stellata have demonstrated.
John it is about time to come clean. A great new tree about every couple of weeks. How big of a operation and how many employees do you have?
I'm thinking that this is way too much for one person to handle.
Great stuff!

It is just me and Mrs. Mullet, oh, and Mo the cat. I do need to come clean as I have too many trees, I just can't decide which ones to part with.
Are you not worried the repotting will affect the blooming?
The buds are still fairly tight, so it should not effect it, if they were close to opening, it would drop them after the repotting. These trees will bloom now through Spring, and some in the summer. So you just have to repot when it is time, there will always be more flowers.

I have two of these in the landscape, the smell is such a treat when they are in full bloom, the whole back yard smells like banannas.

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