Lorax7 Ficus Benjamina ‘Natasja’ #3 progression


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Got this from Home Depot a few years ago. It was originally a planting of several seedlings that were bound together. I dismantled the original group planting and put the seedlings in separate containers to grow them out. This was one of those individually grown seedlings. Here are pictures of it from this spring:
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VERY beefy with nice curvature, this ficus has a lot of potential. Get the branching ready to rock! cant wait to see it in a year or so
Love it in that most recent pot. Great work!

Out of curiosity, what kind of placement and/or protection does this get? I'm starting to push my comfort zone with my small army of benjamina sticks.
Love it in that most recent pot. Great work!

Out of curiosity, what kind of placement and/or protection does this get? I'm starting to push my comfort zone with my small army of benjamina sticks.
It comes indoors under lights for the winter. No chance of one surviving winter outside in the local climate. As far as placement outside goes, I put it in full sun when it’s outside for the summer.
I saw MI and was curious about overwintering in your climate. All makes sense.

What's your gauge for them going inside for winter, if you don't mind me asking? I'd assume when nights are regularly getting down past 45-50f?

Thanks for the insights!
I saw MI and was curious about overwintering in your climate. All makes sense.

What's your gauge for them going inside for winter, if you don't mind me asking? I'd assume when nights are regularly getting down past 45-50f?

Thanks for the insights!
Yeah, if it’s starting to get down into the low 40s at night, I bring the ficus inside.
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