Looking to buy yamadori


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Must be able to ship as I’m in Maryland. Unless you are somewhere close. Looking for bigger pieces of material. I probably know of all the websites possible, looking for material that is not on one of those. Thank you!
I thought I knew all the sites, everytime I think that, I find more.

If budget isn't an issue and you can't find a tree you like among the hundreds available, the problem isn't the market...
I thought I knew all the sites, everytime I think that, I find more.

If budget isn't an issue and you can't find a tree you like among the hundreds available, the problem isn't the market...
So do you have a tree to sell me or no? 🤣
Hmmm... makes an account to hoard trees. Who exactly are you and what is your endgame?
hoard trees. I’ve purchased 4 trees 🤣 I’ll ask you the same thing. Do you have a tree to sell me or are you just bored?
Hmmm... makes an account to hoard trees. Who exactly are you and what is your endgame?
Who exactly are you? I do not know you. But I do not come to Internet forums where everyone has screen names to ask people who they are. That seems 🍑 backwards. Who are you to ask me who I am? Are you a bonsai god? Should I know who you are?
So do you have a tree to sell me or no? 🤣

hoard trees. I’ve purchased 4 trees 🤣 I’ll ask you the same thing. Do you have a tree to sell me or are you just bored?
Sure, I just dug an ilex vomitoria.
If you must know since it seems you must the truth is I’m 31 years old with money to spend. I want material that I can carry with me for my lifetime. And not average material or overpriced average material that is available online and via a google search. Bunch of weirdo posts on here which is why I have watched this forum for 2 years and never joined or commented or posted until now.

Why would me buying 4 trees ever prompt either of you to post whatever nonsense you just posted. Shame lol
& frankly, who I am is absolutely none of your business. Nor is what material I buy or what I do with it.
Sure, I just dug an ilex vomitoria.
You may have had a customer if you opted to approach me in a welcoming manner. And not eluding to me as me being a problem in my own search for trees which makes absolutely zero sense. But thank you!
If you must know since it seems you must the truth is I’m 31 years old with money to spend. I want material that I can carry with me for my lifetime. And not average material or overpriced average material that is available online and via a google search. Bunch of weirdo posts on here which is why I have watched this forum for 2 years and never joined or commented or posted until now.

Why would me buying 4 trees ever prompt either of you to post whatever nonsense you just posted. Shame lol
You rolled in the arrogant attitude that you'd seen it all online and none of it was good enough. That's a "you" issue, not a supply issue.
You rolled in the arrogant attitude that you'd seen it all online and none of it was good enough. That's a "you" issue, not a supply issue.
Where and when did I mention anything not being good enough. Lol. YOU made that up in your head pal. My collection is modest at best. I’m above nothing. I said I’m looking for material that isn’t publicly available online. That is it and that is all.
You rolled in the arrogant attitude that you'd seen it all online and none of it was good enough. That's a "you" issue, not a supply issue.
Also where did I mention there was a supply issue? How do you know I haven’t bought a tree from every known website today? You need to learn how to comprehend things for what they are and not what you want them to be.
You rolled in the arrogant attitude that you'd seen it all online and none of it was good enough. That's a "you" issue, not a supply issue.
I also said that to avoid everyone commenting websites that I probably have already visited. Not to be arrogant. It seems like you are a bit insecure
Also where did I mention there was a supply issue? How do you know I haven’t bought a tree from every known website today? You need to learn how to comprehend things for what they are and not what you want them to be.
Because if you had you wouldn't be clowning around here 😊
I’ve purchased quite a few trees in the last 12 months and what I’ve come to learn is that collectors with the best materials tend to not post them online. Or rather they do not have to. They also prefer to sell to people they know. So reach out to the main collectors; Randy, Dan, Steve, Todd, etc. and visit their nurseries/place of business to be on the shortlist of who they’d reach out when they get new materials.

As for shipping, very few sellers will figure shipping out for you but there are definitely services that’ll white glove deliver trees to you. Best part is the courier will remove the liability from the seller and you as they carry insurance.
Because if you had you wouldn't be clowning around here 😊
You could have scrolled right past my post and went about your night but something in your heart made you respond to it. Explore that. Goodbye my friend
In all fairness, there’s not a whole lot of folks purchasing 3 and 4 trees at a time in one go. My initial question in another thread was out of general curiosity. I will give you props tho, uncle C has some damn nice cypresses and you got some good ones! 😉
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