Looking For Some Ideas On This One


Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Panama City, FL Zone 9a/8b Centr
I collected this earlier this year and have a pretty good idea on where I'd like to take the old guy. However, if anyone has any comments or ideas I'm opened to them. Thanks!


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I am thinking shimpaku grafting...itoigawa...he he he
Can you graft Shimpaku onto Juniperus Virginiana? I have another one that's three times as big.
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It should absolutely work if it is indeed a Juniper. You guys call them Eastern Red Cedars, right? As long as you have two plants of the same genus, grafting should be theoretically possible. Good luck and keep us posted.

It should absolutely work if it is indeed a Juniper. You guys call them Eastern Red Cedars, right? As long as you have two plants of the same genus, grafting should be theoretically possible. Good luck and keep us posted.


Yes, it's an eastern red. I thought about after I posted the question and new the answer. Thanks for the input though. I'm going to give it a shot just to say I did. I'll probably just use some off the shelf box store common juniper stock unless there is a compelling reason not to offered by a Nutter.
Use good foliage juniper...
Strengthen the tree...
Leave the old foliage there for a long time after the graft takes...
Make the graft very low.You can build the tree even from one graft
Have fun!
Good luck!
Use good foliage juniper...
Strengthen the tree...
Leave the old foliage there for a long time after the graft takes...
Make the graft very low.You can build the tree even from one graft
Have fun!
Good luck!

Thanks for the info. What are your thoughts on using Blue Star?
I am very interested in how the graft goes, because I have a few beautiful Eastern Reds too. Do post pictures, etc. If possible. I have been told they are bad bonsai subjects, but I have had great luck with the ones I have collected. They back bud really well for me.
I like shimpaku but that is because I dont know the Blue star.
I would pursue a shimpaku variety, preferably kishu. Junipers with scale foliage are more ideal for bonsai and particularly shimpaku because the growth is very compact and divides with little extension. Blue star is a nice landscape juniper for its interesting color and fluffy foliage but probably not the best for bonsai.

Brent Walston at Evergreen Gardenworks has shimpaku in small pots for sale which would work to take cuttings from.

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