Looking for Pics of "S" Shaped Elm

Theres a little s shape here.
This video is awesome and I actually used it to do the first pruning on this tree. I will just care for the tree this season with some light pruning and butcher it one way or another next year. Will it die by raft attempt, get wittled down to a nub. We will just have to wait - I have other trees to destroy this season. :p
This has been shared around here a few times, but figured it might give you some ideas on what to do with yours. Dr. Chuah’s blog as a whole has a lot of useful threads.
Yeh think that ones been knockin about since I got into bonsai like 10 years or so now. If you love chinese elms and you didnt come across this article, youre probably not digging hard enough for resources.
The S elm definitely works for me...if the S isn't to over pronounced.
I was given this one 8 years ago. Luckily it has only slight bends.
Here's how I received it...and some progression shots of it.
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Hopefully it can turn out something like this some day.
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Thats a good one, could be like Potters one in time. its a little different to Walters one you shared in that your branches are rising.
Yeh think that ones been knockin about since I got into bonsai like 10 years or so now. If you love chinese elms and you didnt come across this article, youre probably not digging hard enough for resources.
LOL. I picked it up a bit back from one of your posts.
Just thinking out loud - Perhaps the tree can be angled better, cut shorter and ultimately developed in the spirit of the attached.


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Here's my s shaped chinese elm, I know some people look down on them but I really like it, it was my first 'real' tree, 15 months and counting!


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Here's my s shaped chinese elm, I know some people look down on them but I really like it, it was my first 'real' tree, 15 months and counting!
I think it looks great.
Here's a pic of the tree with some more foliage. I was originally hoping to use Potters' video to ramify the branches into one large canopy, as opposed to pads. Then the thread happened.


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I came across this elm while searching for Kokufu trees and like this as a solution for the "S" I have.

As an aside, the more I look at world class bonsai trees, the more important the base/nebari and branch ramification becomes, as compared to the actual trunk which is ALMOST secondary.


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