Did this make this thread too intimidating, or somehow misunderstood?
It shouldn't have.
There are a lot more of us.
From many countries.
Many states and Climates within states to scratch off the list.
I realized the other day at THG, well you see, I was hoping to find some stuff that was COLDY COLD hardy, you know, WP style, set it on the ground and that's it.
Everything is kept above freezing.
But Damn, I do extreme even worse than than WP. I set up a "wind block", and moved everything to all shade this year for the first time.
Remember before was just third story outside window sills.
I don't get reliable snow cover..
And even "wind blocked", which honestly is just a piece of "ugly" more than anything, I leave these rough 4x5x5 baskets of mostly fine roots just exposed.
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Purple J.Crack.
Yellow Dog pee!
I want to present this so you know how NFG (no fucks given) you can get without worrying, with Local Local material.
I have elms in year 6-7.
An Amur in year 3-4 and 3 more on year 2.
My J.cracks, which have been nothing short of tortured are a couple years cold.
Forsythia, which has had every mistake I've ever made thrown at it, 6 years in.
Buckthorn 5-6 years.
The one year hops (oyster vagina) going green fat.
That little unidentified shrub thing is seemingly capable of growing in space.
Red maples, year 3.
Everything from 5-6 years old, and all the amurs were collected locally in leaf.
Unidentified shrub was too.
Check the "nursery plant list".
Has made it through a repot and winter.
Mugo Pine.
Short Fucking list!
Dead list....
Barberry. 4
Burning bush. 2
Every Procumbens nana.
Boxwood. 3-4
Hokkaido elm. 1
All of which have been treated just as, or more delicately than my locals, repotted at the "right time" with no more root reduction than I've seen work for everyone else.
I have 5 dwarf Alberta now, 2 I know are done. 3 to try to pot.
My Black Hills spruce from MI are dead,
But my HD one still lives.
The chances of these making it all the way threw a repot and winter with me are sooooo slim.
But these local things, and that one MUGO!
Gangster as shit.
I haven't treated any of these trees any different. I am quite sure I know why I have lost a few local ones.
Repotting too early.
Repotting when the "buds swell"!
Straight Bullshit.
Going on week 3 with "swelling buds" and the ground has frozen solid and thawed at least 3 Times since.
We have to understand our changing climate....
But hey,
I'm not the guy that Will lose anything more than my time.
Pretty sure I am solidly done spending $ on trees anymore ever.
$100 says that Shimpaku dies!
Love Local.
Don't blind eye the Climate.