Nonsense Rascal
Welcome to L.S.A.P.
This thread is designed to bring to light the species people have in their own neighborhood, that THRIVE, and can best be used for our art.
Please contribute by entering 2 deciduous species, and 1 evergreen, that are THE EASIST SPECIES TO WORK WITH IN YOUR AREA. Include your town, state, elevation if applicable, etc.
This is so we no longer have to watch as folks, in what I consider Excellent areas for material, struggle with box store BS, and other species that are not suitable to their area.
Might as well put the tale of woe tree in too, the one you won't bother trying again.
Thanks. I hope we can make this a good reference. A go to thread.
Welcome to L.S.A.P.
This thread is designed to bring to light the species people have in their own neighborhood, that THRIVE, and can best be used for our art.
Please contribute by entering 2 deciduous species, and 1 evergreen, that are THE EASIST SPECIES TO WORK WITH IN YOUR AREA. Include your town, state, elevation if applicable, etc.
This is so we no longer have to watch as folks, in what I consider Excellent areas for material, struggle with box store BS, and other species that are not suitable to their area.
Might as well put the tale of woe tree in too, the one you won't bother trying again.
Thanks. I hope we can make this a good reference. A go to thread.