Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes... Err...too dramatic


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Fresno, CA
In 2006 this foemina juniper forest was repotted into a larger 36 inch shallow bonsai pot. This now famous picture is of the forest prior to repotting as the tops of the junipers can be seen above my head.
It has been growing ever since and I hate to prune on them. They are fast growing, razor sharp, and just dreadful to prune on. This is why it looks like it does. Maples are so much easier to work on.

al thong.jpg

I will try to ressurect this thing by working it over in stages to chase the foliage back in to the secondary branches and then start phase two.


The tree was photographed for posterity and a starting point.


All of the foilage will be reduced by two thirds. This will induce back budding. These foemina junipers are so agressive that removing all the green from a stem will still bud. There is no reason to be that stupid and remove it that far since I can get this back in a season with judicious pruning, which I loath. My wife tells me that this rat bastard takes up a significant amount of the backyard view so either fix it or burn it!

The wife has spoken, so I guess I'll fix it.

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That thong is more like a Phoenix rising from the ASSES! LMAO
Can you say WHALE TAIL?

Ohh... Were you talking about the trees? I am sure you can resurrect them as well. Thanks for burning my retinas just before bed!
Welcome Newbies. Cats out the bag!

There it is........

Tonight with pruners in hand, I was able to give it another go. As I work my way into the core of each tree, there is a lot of dead stuff. I feel confident that some of it will bounce back. Some will be dead but with thirteen trees to work with it will be a matter of making the best of the composition at repot. It is a huge brick and will have to be sawn apart. The composition at this point is totaly symetricaland there is such an even spacing amongst the trees. many will have to have a whole side removed in an effort to group three or more tree into sub groups upon repotting.

All the branching has been reduced now and it is a waiting game for the buds.


With the increased light from an earlier start I was able to find some back budding already. As each long spindly branch begins back budding at the base it will be removed leaving only the back budded stub as I have done with some of these already.



That thong is more like a Phoenix rising from the ASSES! LMAO
Can you say WHALE TAIL?

Whale Tail? How about this...


Sorry, couldn't resist:D

Lookin' good Al, can't wait to see how it fills in. Er... the branches I mean...

Are you thinking of thinning out and opening the left side more to balance with the right (seems a little branch heavy to me compared to the other side), or would you create negative spaces through wiring and positioning? Or maybe you have some other plan?
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Ahem... Anyway, I never tried a forest though I like them, Id say theres loads of potential there, I will be watching for updates :)
I never understood the pink thong thing....

I regret finding out what it was.

This kind of reminds me of the juniper forest at the national arboretum.
Oh jeez. Suddenly, I discover the problems I have with my trees.
I have no bonsai clothes. :eek:
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